Cookie policy

Detailed information about the use of cookies follows. It should be noted that the information provided here must be understood as an attachment to the more general privacy information available on this page .

General information on cookies

When you access The Farewell Guide ( a site or mobile app operated by The Farewell Guide Limted) or use one of our services, our system or that of one of our partners may set or read cookies and / or other types of identifiers about the browser and / or device you are using.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the computer of anyone viewing a website in order to record some information related to the visit as well as to create a system to recognize the user even at later times. Device identifiers, on the other hand, are generated by collecting and processing some information such as the IP address and / or the user agent (browser version, type and version of the operating system) or other characteristics of the device, always in order to reconnect certain information to a specific user.

A website can set a cookie on the browser only if the preferences configured for the latter allow it. It is important to know that a browser can allow a particular website to access only and exclusively the cookies set by it and not those set by other websites: there is no risk to your privacy in this sense.

Practices relating to cookies and other similar technologies

The Farewell Guide, or its partners, may use cookies or other types of identifiers for a number of reasons, including:

Offer access to reserved areas of the site ,  accessible after authentication (in this case cookies are called "technical" and are used to maintain the browsing session and / or to facilitate subsequent access from the same device).

Keep track of user preferences while using the site and / or services incorporated therein or connected to it.

Offer advertising and / or content relevant to visitors' interests ( third-party cookies only ).
Elaborate statistical analyzes ( analytics ) about the use of the site and / or the services incorporated therein.

Conduct research to improve the contents, products and services of The Farewell Guide or its partners.

The Farewell Guide DOES NOT directly use any profiling cookies : the only cookies generated and managed directly by The Farewell Guide are the so-called technical cookies (which are used only and exclusively to correctly offer the services offered to the public) and, in an extremely limited way , analytics cookies (which are used to count the number of readings on the various pages of the site and / or for other statistical purposes). However, we inform users that through our pages profiling cookies may be generated by third parties (Ref. "Cookies of other companies").

Adalyser is an analytics platform that is used to measure response to TV advertising.  From June 2024, in anticipation of a TV campaign beginning, the following cookies  will be used by Adalyser on the site

Cookie name


Data stored




Traffic source / campaign data

Store which advertising campaign drove a user to visit



Visit timestamp

Tie back conversion events to earlier visits



Device ID (generated)

Uniquely identify a device

Cookies from other companies

The Farewell Guide integrates, within its pages, third-party services that could set up and use their own cookies and / or similar technologies. The use of these cookies and similar technologies by these companies is governed by the privacy policies of these companies and not by this information being totally unrelated to the management of these tools and to the processing of data deriving from them.

We provide below a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the partner companies that may use cookies while browsing The Farewell Guide network:

Google Analytics ( information )
Google Adsense ( information )
Google+ ( information )
Criteo ( information )
Disqus ( information )
Facebook ( information )
Twitter ( information )
Linkedin ( information )
YouTube ( disclosure )
In case of doubts or reports regarding the use of cookies you can contact us on this page.

Disable cookies

You can configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies or particular types of cookies (for example, third-party cookies) or you can choose to be warned whenever a cookie is set on your computer.

It is important to know that the refusal of all cookies may prevent you from using The Farewell Guide products and services which require that you access, by username and password, to areas reserved for registered users. All these services, in fact, require cookies in order to function properly and, consequently, any blocking of cookies would make it impossible to use them.

Below are the instructions for the most popular browsing browsers for the purpose of making a personalized configuration about cookies:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
click on "Tools" at the top of the browser window;
select "Internet Options";
click on the "Privacy" tab;
to activate cookies, the Privacy level must be set to "Medium" or below; by setting the Privacy level above "Medium" the use of cookies will be disabled.

Mozilla Firefox
click on "Tools" at the top of the browser window;
select "Options";
select the "Privacy" icon;
click on "Cookies";
select whether or not the items "Accept cookies from sites" and "Accept third-party cookies";

Google Chrome
click the menu icon;
select "Settings";
at the bottom of the page, select "Show advanced settings";
in the "Privacy" section, select "Content settings";
select whether or not the item "Block sites from setting any data".

Apple Safari
click on the "Safari" label at the top of the browser window;
select the "Preferences" option;
click on "Privacy";
set your choice under "Cookies and website data".

Delete all 'The Farewell Guide' cookies

If you wish to delete cookies, this is only possible using the specific browser cleaning functions.